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Intermediate Course
Spooky Jack-o’-Lantern Friendship Bracelet
By making this pattern a tube, I’m able to convert what would usually be an alpha pattern into a regular friendship bracelet pattern. Which makes it a whole lot easier for you guys to produce this Halloween pumpkin design in anything from bracelets to keychains, …
Arrowhead Friendship Bracelet
So this is a bit easier as it’s meant to get you started before we go and make one that’s a bit more difficult. (next week) Defiantly get to making this cause you’re going to want to have practiced before next week when I show …
Friendship Bracelets and Coffee Blues
The dots at the top of it represented the number of strings I needed for each color (before the loop) The patter just keeps repeating so there wasn’t much reason to keep making the pattern longer. It was just an idea I had and I …
Double-wide Friendship Bracelets Tutorial Series Part 4 Entwined
So the pattern actually matches the bracelet for a change. That’s because I made the bracelet without any pattern and then later did this up just for you guys. I used the “FRIENDSHIP BRACELET GRAPH PAPER READY-TO-GO” 12 string to make this pattern. It’s 12 …
Double-wide Friendship Bracelets Tutorial Series Part 5: Escalating
This video I’m making something that looks complex out of things that were easy as I show you how you can design your own patterns. So that second image is because as I went to do the left side I noticed that near the center …
The Russian flag Friendship Bracelet and like 9 more
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Friendship Bracelet Hair Tie with a Bow!
So I’ve made hair ties… and I made the bow hairband… So it’s only natural that I’d join the two. In this video I go rather quickly over how the two ideas became one, and you can see everything that went into making it. And …
Going with the Flow – An Inspired Friendship Bracelet
A special thanks to Rainbow Haze Shop for the inspiration of this bracelet. Inspiration can come from anywhere and for me at any time. In this video, I show from what inspired, what didn’t work as I wanted, and what helped to keep me on …
Tubular Friendship Bracelet
How much string? For this project, I have 12 strands that are approx 2.7 meters in length. It really didn’t need to be so long, but I tend to use more than needed rather than risk it running out. Half of the length gets wound …
Taking Celtic to the Next Level in a Tube Friendship Bracelet
And now I present… Let’s review how we got here… Back to the topic at hand… Now, this is added as an intermediate tutorial as it’s based on an easy pattern, but it becomes complicated because of how hard it is to turn it into …