Choosing Colors for Friendship Bracelet
I’ve covered my coloction of bobbins before in my post The 477. but today I’m showing the diffrence in a DMC color chart as to how diffrent they are in choosing colors fo your next project
As promiced the 36 groups of 4 colors that made up te 144 color bags.
318 415 762 Blanc | 310 3799 414 169 | 791 158 3807 793 | 823 803 825 3755 | 844 839 610 842 | 832 831 372 3047 |
3685 3804 3326 3713 | 3782 611 801 838 | 828 3845 3844 3808 | 307 973 972 922 | 353 351 350 817 | 210 553 3837 154 |
3721 3687 316 153 | 962 3805 600 815 | 165 910 796 550 | 326 3831 893 818 | 820 995 996 3840 | 964 3848 3812 3847 |
741 740 946 606 | 3024 840 3031 3787 | 947 3854 3853 970 | 3806 601 3803 902 | 915 718 917 554 | 3819 444 721 666 |
3756 334 311 939 | 704 702 909 3818 | 598 992 943 991 | 3811 3851 911 699 | 919 921 976 3856 | 155 3746 792 797 |
898 400 3340 352 | 3801 349 321 3777 | 472 166 906 700 | 819 224 3722 221 | 300 975 780 437 | 445 742 608 891 |