Friendship Bracelet #20998 Mod from 12 to 16 Strings
This design was inspired by Mandy asking for a smaller version of my bracelet for herself. That meant I needed to change the number of strings from 6 to 8 so she could make a kumi loop for her bracelet. I thought this might make a good tutorial since you too might want to alter a bracelet this way. Also, I wanted to work out how to have strings to replace the ones most used so that they don’t run out before finishing the bracelet. I did just that and show exactly how in the video.

Above is the pattern I took inspiration from.

Above is my single-strand pattern. So it’s just 8 strings going into the loop.

Above is my doubled floss version where there are 16 strands going into the loop. Notice how it’s much fewer knots than its thin brother.

After making a modded version of this for my wife Mandy I thought I’d make a longer version for my shop. I love how it turned out!

This version is with the strands of floss doubled up. It makes for a thicker bracelet but still has that striking pattern. This is also available in my shop.