Friendship Bracelet Mashed Differently
This bracelet pattern took much longer to make as it was far more complicated and really is likely to be an advanced bracelet.
This is the first pattern of inspiration.

This is the second pattern of inspiration.

This pattern turned out to be rather challenging to make. I ended up having a copy of the pattern that I crossed off areas as I completed them to better keep track of where I was. That said it still took a lot of time to make. Also, the light blue was used to most and could have been a real problem had I not cut my strings long. I looked to see if I changed the pattern and if I could add another light blue to make it so they would share the work, but no. not unless I made some drastic changes that would have added light blue in some rather random areas.

Camper E made my day by sharing this beauty over on Discord. Join us on Discord and share what you’ve been making.