Pattern Making for a Stylish Friendship Bracelet Bag

Hello, crafters and knot enthusiasts! Welcome to another exciting tutorial by AWOL. I’m Kevin, also known as AWOL, and today, we’re diving into the world of intricate pattern-making. Join me on this creative journey as we explore the art of crafting a unique 96-string bag.

Before we get started, you might notice a change in our backdrop on the app Gimp. I recently had to reinstall my software due to some technical hiccups, and it came with a delightful surprise – new color themes! Let me know in the comments which theme you prefer, the lighter gray or the darker gray. Your feedback matters!

Now, let’s talk about the heart of this project. This 96-string bag is perfect for carrying your essentials – your ID, some cash, and more. It’s a small yet stylish accessory that I’ve been thinking about endlessly for the past week. What’s challenging is the combination of colors. We have these single strands of various colors, but it’s the four strands in each combination that had me scratching my head.

Here’s where creativity kicks in. Since I double up my strings, which means two of each of the one color can be on each side of the loop. Last night, it hit me – I could create delightful diamond patterns with these! It’s a simple yet visually appealing solution that I can’t wait to show you.

I’m working against the clock because this pattern will be featured in an upcoming live stream. Yes, this video is coming out after the live stream due to scheduling, but that’s how it goes sometimes in the world of content creation.

The beauty of this pattern is its flexibility. You can mix and match colors following the same sequence or get creative with your own variations.

As we progress, you’ll see how each string finds its place, alternating beautifully. There’s no complicated knotting here, just a rhythmic pattern that results in a mesmerizing design. It’s like weaving your own visual story.

I can’t express how excited I am about this project. Crafting and designing are my passions, and sharing them with you is a true joy. I’m fueled by my creative obsession, which keeps me up at night, thinking about patterns and designs.

Before I go, a big shout-out to my Patreon supporters – your support keeps this creative journey alive. If you haven’t already, please like, subscribe, and become a part of our growing community. Your comments and feedback fuel my inspiration.

I’m eager to see where it takes us. It’s a versatile design that can be as long or as short as you like. So, grab your strings and join me in creating something extraordinary. Remember, don’t get your strings in a bunch – get creative!

These are the colors I’ll be working with.

And here is my pattern. Remember that this is just a portion of what it would take to make the bag so adjust the number of loops you need to make the bag whatever size you want.

Clicking on the image will bring up the pdf version that’s in higher resolution.

If you like this pattern and would like to support my work >>>

In this live stream, I start this project and offer insight into how I do it and how easy it is. I only got 6 of the 8 loops started. Still, it was off to a great start.

This time we put in the hours and get all the pieces joined and get as far as possible without connecting the two sides together.

We joined the ends and made a lot of progress. The bag is really taking shape and looks amazing considering just how easy it is to make.

It’s all done!! I think it looks awesome and I hope you like it too.

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